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You might find it cliché when someone tells you to give the woman you like or love flowers. You might think, “does it always have to be flowers?” or “what is it about flowers that make them the most loved present?”.

With its beautiful appearance, variety of colours, fragrance, and symbolism, what is there not to like? Aside from those, here are the other reasons flowers should be one of your top choices when it comes to making your lady or any woman in your life happy.

#1 It’s a thoughtful act

Photo by Viktoria Slowikowska from Pexels

The fact that you have such wide options make it thoughtful. Why? You don’t really go for just any arrangement you see right away. Although there’s a small chance you’ll get it wrong, you think of her, you consider her taste or what she will like. You spend a bit of time thinking about which bouquet to give her - the one she deserves. No matter the day.

#2 Flowers signifies love

Photo by Budgeron Bach from Pexels

Needless to say, flowers, more often than not, grace romantic moments and they make it extra special for any couple or couple-to-be. Anniversaries, engagements, weddings, or even at a time when a guy asks a woman “will you be my girlfriend?”. So, when you give a woman flowers, it makes her feel loved and cared for. 

#3 They may wilt, but they are a form of remembrance

Photo by Katerina Holmes from Pexels

Women love flowers in spite of the fact that flowers wilt over time because they look at them as more than just a bouquet. They make it a happy memory with you - when you gave them, the words you said, and the loveliness of that moment. Period.

#4 Women simply deserve flowers

Photo by Matilda Wormwood from Pexels

For all the things that they do and sacrifice, there’s no doubt they deserve flowers. That alone is enough reason that you don’t need an occasion to grab her a lovely bouquet.

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