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 Photo by Hieu D Ng from Pexels

Isn’t it amazing how we can relate to flowers in many different ways? More than their beauty, flowers become symbolic when they inspire or represent a specific feeling or they have been an important part of a remarkable event. For countries, some flowers are considered as a national flower when they have cultural heritage or religious roots, and some become a representation of a country because of their origin.

Read through and discover the national flowers that are associated with the countries around the world. Consider this as your easy guide to learning each country’s national flower.

Afghanistan: Tulip

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

Albania: Red Poppy

Algeria: Iris

Argentina: Ceibo from the Cockspur Coral tree
A flowering tree native to Argentina and is a symbol of bravery.

Australia: Golden Wattle (Acacia pycnantha Benth)
There are 1300 Acacias worldwide and 960 of these are native to Australia with the Golden Wattle being the most notable of them all.

Austria: Edelwiss
Also known as Leontopodium Alpinum, is one of the most well-known European mountain flowers.

Bangladesh: White Water Lily (Nymphaea nouchali)

Photo by fei wang from Pexels

Barbados: Pride of Barbados (Dwarf Poinciana or Flower Fence)

Belarus: Flax

Belgium: Red poppy (Papaver rhoeas)
It has become Belgium’s national flower due to its significance in the country's history.

Bermuda: Sisyrinchium bermudiana (or Blue-eyed Grass)

Bhutan: Blue Poppy
Scientifically also known as Meconopsis Grandis. This flower grows at an elevation of 3700- 4300 metres above sea level (masl).

Brazil: Golden Trumpet Tree or Tabebuia chrysotricha
This is a flowering tree native to Brazil

Bulgaria: Rose, or to be specific, the Rosa Damascene
It is a fragrant light pink rose with many soft petals

Cambodia: Romduol

Canada: Maple Leaf (symbolic, not a flower)
Canada is a land of natural wonders and does not have an official national flower. However, the Maple Leaf has a significant representation of its nation and people.

Chile: Copihue or Chilean Bellflower (Lapageria rosea)

China: Peony

Photo by Kristina Paukshtite from Pexels

Colombia: Cattleya orchid

Costa Rica: Guaria Morada
Guaria Morada is also called the purple country girl. This is an orchid shining with purple hues and thin, rounded petals.

Croatia: Iris
This was decided by the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts at a flower show held in Japan in 2000.

Cuba: White Mariposa or Butterfly Jasmine (Hedychium coronarium)

Cyprus: Cyclamen cyprium

Czech Republic: Rose

Denmark: Marguerite Daisy

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

Dominican Republic: Bayahíbe Rose
This is a rare cactus, endemic to the Dominican Republic

Egypt: Egyptian Lotus flower or Blue lotus flower (Nymphaea caerulea)

Photo by Yushmita Sidar from Pexels

El Salvador: Izote

Estonia: Cornflower (Centaurea cyanus)
The cornflower was chosen to be a national flower in 1968 was officially approved as a national symbol of Estonia in 1988

Ethiopia: Calla Lily

Finland: Lily of the Valley

Photo by Юлия Павлюкова from Pexels

France: Iris or also called "fleur-de-lis" or "fleur-de-lys"

Germany: Cornflower

Photo by Lisett Kruusimäe from Pexels

Greece: Bear's Breech

Guatemala: La Monja Blanca or White Nun Orchid

Haiti: Hibiscus

Honduras: Orchid Rhyncholaelia digbyana

Hungary: Tulip

Photo by John-Mark Smith from Pexels

Iceland: Holtasoley – Mountain Avens

India: Lotus (Nelumbo Nucifera Gaertn)

Indonesia: Moon Orchid

Iran: Rose or Tulip**

Iraq: Rose**

Ireland: Shamrock (symbolic, not a flower)

Israel: Calanit or Anemone**

Italy: Lily**

Jamaica: Lignum Vitae
This flower is indigenous to Jamaica and was found by Christopher Columbus

Japan: Cherry Blossom

Photo by Bagus Pangestu from Pexels

Jordan: Iris nigricans or Black Iris

Kazakhstan: Lily**

Kenya: Orchid**
Although not officially recognized, Orchid is considered as Kenya’s national flower.

Photo by Man Dy from Pexels

Kuwait: Arfaj

Laos: Dok Champa (Plumeria)

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

Latvia: Pīpene or Daisy (Leucanthemum vulgare)

Lebanon: Cyclamen**

Lithuania: Rue or Ruta

Luxembourg: Rose

Madagascar: Poinciana (Delonix regia) or Stephanotis**

Malaysia: Hibiscus (Hibiscus raya)

Photo by Philippe Donn from Pexels

Maldives: Pink Rose or Finifenmaa

Malta: Centaurea or Widnet il-Baħar
Centaurea is endemic to Malta and is considered to be highly endangered

Mexico: Dahlia (Dahlia pinnata)
Dahlia was declared as the National Flower of Mexico in 1963.

Mongolia: Scabiosa Butterfly Blue (Scabiosa comosa) or Ber Tseseg

Myanmar: Padauk (Pterocarpus macrocarpus)

Continuation of this list will be done on our next blog. Stay tuned!

**Unofficial. No reliable source or official site to back up this information.
***Should there be a flower we have mistakenly assigned to a country, please let us know and we’ll correct it right away.
***Each national flower has been researched for the purpose of this blog.
***If a country is not included in this list, we have not found a definite information about their national flower

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