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Without a doubt, flowers are strikingly beautiful. They have a unique way of adding beauty and a distinct mood in any space, or making someone feel loved and special when gifted with a flower. These are some of the reasons why, if possible, we like them to last longer. However, because of this, there are a lot of misconceptions about how to care for them. Unfortunately, there are many myths about flower care that do more harm than good.

Let’s debunk some of the most common ones in this blog and learn how to care for your cut flowers the right way!

MYTH #1: Flowers last longer with sugar in the water.
While sugar can provide nutrients to cut flowers, it actually encourages bacterial growth and as a result can block the stems’ ability to absorb water.

What you should do:
It is better to use flower food packets. They contain the right amount of nutrients and antibacterial agents to help your flowers last longer. The next time you will buy a bouquet of flowers, be sure to ask for one. You can also prepare a mixture on your own by mixing a teaspoon of lemon juice, a teaspoon of sugar, and a few drops of bleach into a quart of water.


MYTH #2: Cutting stems in a straight angle

Cutting your flowers’ stems in a straight angle can actually block the water flow. When your flowers are in a vase and the stems are cut straight, they will sit flat at the bottom which can block water absorption.

What you should do:
Cut your flowers at a 45-degree angle to maximise their water absorption. Make sure to use sharp, clean scissors or garden shears to cut.

MYTH #3: All flowers have identical needs
In some ways, yes. However, in reality, different types of flowers have varying lifespans and thus, require specific care. Let’s take roses and dahlias as examples. Roses can last up to 10 days in a vase while dahlias only last up to five days.

What you should do:
Do not immediately assume that basic care will suffice for your cut flowers to last. It's also essential to research the particular needs of specific flowers you purchase to ensure they thrive well.


MYTH #4: Flowers last longer in a sunny spot
While it might seem intuitive that flowers would thrive in sunlight, the reality is often the opposite. Placing them in direct sunlight can cause them to dry out more quickly, leading to wilting and premature ageing. It can also promote the growth of bacteria.

What you should do:
For most flowers, keep them away from direct sunlight or hot spots like window sills or areas near appliances that give off heat. Place them in a cool, shaded location with indirect sunlight.

MYTH #5: You can ignore flowers when they start to wilt
Here’s something to note: when your flowers start to show signs of wilting, it doesn't mean they're beyond saving. Sometimes, it is just a result of blocked stems, preventing your flowers from absorbing water.

What you should do:
Check the flowers for signs of pests or diseases that could be contributing to the wilting, and address them. Trim the stems again at 45-degree angle, change the water, and place the vase in a cooler spot.



Final Thoughts:
Understanding the proper care for your flowers is essential to keeping them fresh, beautiful, and healthy for as long as possible.

The next time you bring home a bouquet from Lucy’s Florist, or harvest flowers from your garden, remember these tips. With a little extra knowledge and care, you’ll get to enjoy your flowers at their best and brightest for longer.



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