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We’ve all had the experience of wilting flowers on day 2. It’s extremely frustrating. But can this flower fail be avoided? In this blog, the friendly staff at Lucy’s give us some expert tips on how to make our flowers vase life last that little bit longer.

Sanitise the Vase

You’ve selected a beautiful posy of Lucy’s Summer Lily’s. However, before you put those lily’s into the vase, remember first that all cut flowers like their homes to be sterile and clean. Soap and water will do fine but if you really want to go the extra mile, use bleach and water to truly sanitise.

Filter Your Water

Who knew flowers were so fussy. But again, it goes back to creating an environment as free from bacteria as possible. If you don’t have filtered water to add (or you just can’t be bothered) at least remember to refill the vase’s water each day. This is especially true for flowers that live longer such as the moth orchid, or bouquets with a large amount of flowers e.g. the timeless bunch.

Cut the Stems

You have your vase cleaned out with filtered, fresh water inside – now it’s time to cut (and recut) your stems. Trimming the stem is advised because as soon as the flower is out of the water, the stem starts to dry out, making it less easy for the flower to absorb nutrients. If you really want to ensure fresh flowers, cut the stems daily at a 45-degree angle to increase their surface area.

Feed Your Flowers

Most florists provide a handy food packet to add to the water. The packet contains nutrients such a sugar acidifier and bleach to provide optimal conditions for your flowers. However, if you don’t get a packet, you can add your own preservative by using a teaspoon each of sugar and bleach, and 2 teaspoons of lemon juice (to lower the pH). If you don’t have any bleach, vodka or any clear spirit will do.

Special Blooms


Roses are a common bouquet used to impress a sweetheart or loved one. To make sure your roses last a while, try to pick off as many leaves as possible (this is also true for orchids or other leafy stemmed flowers). Otherwise, the leaves will quickly breakdown and muddy the water. For large bouquets like the Rainbow Roses this is especially advisable. It’s worth a few pinches from the thorns!


Australian native flowers tend to last longer than most other flora – some up to 6 weeks. Proteas and banksias fall into this category. So, if you’re set on providing or enjoying a long lasting bunch, might we suggest Lucy’s Native basket which has both?

What flower care tips have we missed? Will you try any of the above out? We’d love to hear from you. Get in touch and if you have any more questions about flower care or maintenance please don’t hesitate to give us a call.

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